write out - перевод на Английский
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write out - перевод на Английский

Write-once; Write-Once; Write once (disambiguation)

write out      


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to write oneself out исписаться

фразовый глагол

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выписывать (из текста)

делать выписки


написать полностью

расшифровать (инициалы, стенограмму)

излагать на бумаге

оформлять письменно


выставлять (чек, вексель и т. п.)

write out      
write out а) переписывать; to write out fair написать начисто; б) выписывать; to write out in full выписывать полностью; to write out a check выписать чек; в) to write oneself out исписаться
write out      
выписывать, выставлять (вексель, чек)


СТЁК, стёкся, стекла, стеклась. прош. вр. от стечь
, стечься.
II. СТЕК [стэк], стека, ·муж. (·англ. stick) (спорт.). Твердый, эластичный хлыст, употр. при верховой езде.


Write once

Write once may refer to:

  • Write once, run anywhere, a slogan for the cross-platform benefits of Java
  • Write once, compile anywhere, a slogan for the cross-platform benefits of C
  • Write-once (cache coherency), a write-invalidate protocol in computer memory design
  • Write once read many, computer storage that can be written to once, but read from multiple times
Примеры произношения для write out
1. I write out a script.
Kind of Coping _ Maureen Wilson _ Talks at Google
2. how you write out ingredients.
La Buvette - Recipes and Wine Notes from Paris _ Kate Leahy _ Talks at Google
3. write out the head note, probably
Heroes Feast - The Official Dungeons and Dragons Cookbook _ Talks at Google
4. They just write out of deep emotions,
Darlin Oh Darlin _ The Hunts _ Talks at Google
5. You can't write out of nothing.
From Organisation to Institution _ Jack Harte _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для write out
1. "When you write, you write out of your best self.
2. I make a card – I write out the words as beautifully as I can.
3. But they are willing to write out a blank cheque to encourage them to go home.
4. Make a plan: "Write out a spending plan and sign it," says Yarrow.
5. Every Friday afternoon, I had to write out my key projects for the following week.